Deep renewal of the Kolískova kindergarten

About the activity

As part of the project, an in-depth renovation of the public building of the Kindergarten at Koliskova Street 14 in Bratislava is planned, using innovative adaptation and mitigation measures.

The aim is to increase the building’s resilience to climate change, its energy efficiency and to improve living conditions for children and kindergarten staff. The in-depth reconstruction works will include, for example: roof reconstruction and insulation, facade insulation, renovation and replacement of windows and doors, newly planted greenery in restored atriums, vegetation walls, seepage beds, construction of a water element, construction of rainwater utilization system using a retention underground flushing tank toilets and irrigation, construction of air recuperation system to ensure fresh and clean air without heat leakage, installation of solar panels for water heating, installation of measuring and control systems for monitoring energy consumption / emissions, modernization of heating systems, hydraulic regulation of heating system, shading by artificial elements ( fixed shading from the outside of the building, movable internal and external shading elements). The measures will include the installation of nest boxes for umbrellas on the facade of a public building.

Project activity indicators: annual reduction of CO₂ emissions by 38.41 t CO₂ eq. (307.29 CO₂ t / 8 years), 11 measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change will be implemented.

What we have done so far



Photos of the Kolískova Kindergarden after deep reconstruction
