Education and awareness
About the activity
1) to raise the awareness of local residents in the Municipality Bratislava – Karlova Ves and the general public about:
– the effects of climate change,
– the need and importance of a balanced approach to mitigation and adaptation measures,
2) communicate and inform about:
– the project, its objectives, the activities carried out, the progress made,
– financial support for a project from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the SK-Climate program,
– cooperation with a Norwegian partner in the implementation of the project
Project activity indicators: 3 press conferences organized, 21 journalists participating, project website created, visited 10,800 times, 90 printed / web / radio / television media outlets published, 3 billboards installed, 1 roll-up, 100 information leaflets produced and 3 created presentations.
What we have done so far
- November 2020 – December 2020 – The public was informed about obtaining a grant and starting work on the project implementation, two press releases were prepared, an article was published in the monthly Karloveske noviny, posts were published on social media.
- January 2021 – April 2021 – Communication plan of the project was prepared, the project website and design of the project logo was developed, a promotional banner and information poster were produced.
- May 2021 – June 2021 – The third press release was prepared, the kick-off online conference for the professional public in cooperation with the Norwegian partner was organized (24 May, 2021).
- July 2021 – August 2021 – Articles for monthly Karloveske noviny and a press release on the progress achieved in the project and on the planned model revitalization of Park Kaskady at tackling rainwater prepared.
- September 2021 – November 2021 – The project website was updated, posts were published on FB, an online seminar for the public What next with rainwater in settlements? Kaskady – a model pilot solution of rainwater in public space was organized (10 November, 2021), the public was informed on the completion of the first activity of the MITADAPT project – Revitalization of the public space Kaskady. An information board about the implemented measures was installed at the place.
- December 2021 – Documents for the press release for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) on the in-depth renovation of the public buildings of the Kindergarten Koliskova and Primary Scholl A. Dubceka prepared; a video on the progress achieved in the implementation of project activities prepared and presented at an online event organized by ME SR SK-Klima Program: 1st information event on the progress achieved (8 December, 2021).
- January – March 2022 – The fourth press release was prepared. Preparation of articles for the Karloveské noviny and information for the media about the progress achieved on the project and about the completed reconstruction of the Kolískova Kindergarten building.
- April – July 2022 – Preparation of articles for the Karloveské noviny and information for the media about the progress achieved on the project and the completed gardening and other external reconstruction of the Kolískova Kindergarten area, information about the completed implementation of the ponds in the atriums of the building.
- August 2022 – Participation and performance at the event entitled “So that the city does not burn – how to increase the resilience of cities in the face of heat and drought” as part of the final conference of the project entitled LIFE Tree Check – Partnership Foundation in Brno. In the section “Inspiring examples from Central European cities” the measures of the MITADAPT project and the Climate Action Plan were presented with a presentation entitled ” Municipality Bratislava Karlova Ves – What was achieved? From strategic documents to implementation.” (30-31 August 2022)
- September 2022 – Preparation of articles for the Karloveské noviny and information for the media about the progress achieved on the project and about the unique green renewal of the Kindergarten Kolískova, during which the kindergarten saves 62 percent of energy from September. A commemorative board and an information board about the implemented measures were installed in the premises of Kolískova Kindergarten. The fifth and sixth press release was prepared.
- October – November 2022 – Preparation of articles for the Karloveské noviny and information about the ceremonial opening of the Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre on October 3, 2022 and about the ongoing reconstruction of the Primary Scholl A. Dubčeka. On this occasion, a leaflet with basic information about the activities of the Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre was produced in the number of 100 pieces. Participation and performance at the event of the National Platform of the Convention of Mayors on Climate and Energy organized in cooperation with the Office of the Convention of Mayors on Climate and Energy and with the support of the European Energy Cities Association on October 20, 2022. On November 10, 2022, the first workshop was held in the newly opened Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre entitled How to reduce the amount of waste? Representatives of OLO, a.s. Bratislava spoke here, KOLO – Bratislava Center of Reuse, representative of the NATUR -PACK company, Norwegian partner of the MITADAPT project – BIOTEXT Mr. Karl Kerner and students of the school Tilgnerova street.
- December – April 2023 Preparation of articles for the Karloveské noviny. On April 20, 2023, the second workshop was held in the newly opened Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre entitled Support for bicycle transport. Representatives of the municipality of the capital city of Bratislava, the civic association Cyklokoalícia, bikesharing – Rekola Slovensko, students of the combined school Tilgnerova and the Norwegian partner of the MITADAPT project – BIOTEXT, Mr. Karl Kerner, were invited.
- May – September 2023 Preparation of articles for Karloveské noviny. On September 26, 2023, the third workshop was held in the Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre called Ecocenters – together for sustainable development. Representatives of the Institute of Applied Ecology DAPHNE, Center for Environmental Education Dropje, Ekocentre Stupava and the Norwegian partner of the MITADAPT – BIOTEXT project, Mr. Karl Kerner, were invited.
- October – March 2024 Preparation of articles for Karloveské noviny. The public can also find out about current events organized in the Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre from the information showcase that was installed in front of the entrance to the center.
- April 2024 – At the Final Conference of the MITADAPT project on April 10, 2024, the project outputs were presented, the project partner from Norway, Mr. Karl Kerner, summarized his cooperation on the project.